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Adam Deen at IIUM ; The Challenge to Muslim Minds

Pada tanggal 1-3 januari 2011 saya mengikuti International Conference on Islamic Solution to Current Issues in the World. Acara tersebut bertempat di Senate Hall IIUM. Banyak sekali pembicara yang hadir dari mulai lokal sampai international. salah satunya adalah DR Adam Deen, beliau merupakan Founder Presiden The Deen Institute, UK. 

Ingin tau lebih jauh mengenai sosok Adam Deen? setelah saya tanya Prof Google ternyata beliau adalah Muslim Philosopher, Writer dan juga Public Speaker. informasi yang ada dalam web miliknya sebagai berikut: Adam Deen is an international public speaker on Muslim Apologetics. A former Islam channel presenter and Muslim philosopher who has been working in the field of Muslim apologetics for almost a decade. He has contributed to debates on issues ranging from religious philosophy and theology. His work draws on contemporary philosophy to defend Islam in debates. He has regularly appeared on mainstream TV. A researcher for European Muslim Research Centre and part of the MDI speakers council

Ngigau dari Danau

Ngigau dari Danau
(celoteh calon ekonom)

Kudengar celoteh nashr yg berteori di pagi hari
Berharap semangat terus berinflasi
Ada lagi ekspor impor gagasan
Surplus pahala yang diusahakan

Memori di Januari

Memori di Januari

Selalu kudengar kicau parau
Membisingkan lamunan mengigau galau
Sampai kodok pun unjuk rasa
Meriuhkan malam yang bertanya
Hendak kemana?
Ia masih disana
Asyik bercengkrama dengan segala
Sementara aku disini
Terus mewarnai diri dan imaji

kata kita: kala bersama

kata kita: 
kala bersama @09 Januari 2011
Sebelum lupa pada fitrah
dilingkaran itu kita membagi inspirasi
menggapai lebih tinggi
Ada nasihat, yang membuat kita lebih dekat
Kita sadari, disini sekedar penghentian,
sekedar menumbuhkan, sekedar mengembangkan,
dan sekedar membersihkan.
Menyiapkan diri kembali menelurusi sudut bumi, mewarnai latar peradaban.
Si Nafri Mengejar Mimpi dan Den Mas Grandis yuk bersiap berangkat pagi ini..:)
Hingga jannah dan ridhaNya menjadi ujung pemberhentian kita.
Bertemulah kita dalam kebahagiaan yang menyempurna. Amin.



Gerimis membasahi jentik mata
Yang sedari tadi sulit terbuka
Kabut hampa menghalau jiwa
Hanya ada ratap selepas tawa

kabarkan pada diri
Labudda duna syahdi
Min ‘ibari al-nakhli

“Real Money” features Malaysia conference presentation by Thomas H. Greco,

Who is Thomas H. Greco??

Thomas H. (Tom) Greco, Jr. is a community and monetary economist, writer, networker, and consultant, who, for almost three decades, has been working at the leading edge of transformational restructuring. A former college professor, he is currently Director of the non-profit Community Information Resource Center, a networking hub, which provides information access and administrative support for efforts in community improvement, social justice, and sustainability.

He is regarded as one of the leading experts in monetary theory and history, credit clearing systems, complementary currencies, and community economic development, He is a patron and contributor to Fourth World Review and has written for a wide range of other journals including, The Whole Earth Review, World Business Academy Perspectives, At Work, Earth Island Journal, The Catholic Worker, The Permaculture Activist, Permaculture Drylands Journal, Green Revolution, and other publications.

He has authored three books:
His latest book on complementary currencies and exchange systems, Money: Understanding and Creating Alternatives to Legal Tender, was published by Chelsea Green Publishers in 2001. New Money for Healthy Communities (1994) describes voluntary alternatives to conventional money that empower communities and reward people fairly; Money and Debt: A Solution to the Global Crisis (1990) explains how conventional money malfunctions and how an ideal money would be structured.

“Real Money” features Malaysia confernce presentation

By Thomas H. Greco
Real Money: Money and Payment Systems from an Islamic Perspective is a new anthology from the IIUM Press, Malaysia. Edited by Professor Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), this book contains contributions from several authors including yours truly. My chapter titled, The End of Money and the Liberation of Exchange, is essentially a transcript of the presentation I gave at the 2007 Gold Dinar Conference in Kuala Lumpur.

In it, I outlined the basic framework for a global credit clearing network that utilizes no national currencies as payment media and no political currency unit as a value measure. As I did in my first book, Money and Debt: A Solution to the Global Crisis, I argued that the various functions that money is supposed to serve—medium of exchange, measure of value, and store of value—can and must be segregated, and described a global payment system based on direct credit clearing, using an objective, concretely defined measure of value, like the gold Dinar, silver dirham, or some composite commodity standard.

I outlined how this Shari’ah compliant approach could provide inflation-free accounting, achieve full employment, reduce the need for foreign exchange reserves, eliminate exchange rate risks, and provide more equitable trading relations among all the peoples of the world.

Nafas Perjalanan

Nafas perjalanan

lagu lama kembali menggema
mengikis cita merenggangkan nyata
helaan nafas terus menjauh
semakin jauhhh......
entah tersungkur jatuh
atau merengkuh kukuh..
aku masih berdiri
bernafas meniti pasti