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Consumer Bahavior; The Sutuynomic's Note

Dear all The Sutuynomics (er)

even tough the lazy song becomes the main rhythm since morning but alhamdulillah I can force myself to read " the consumption style among adults toward their shopping behavior" is it important to know the consumption style? of course for marketers and agencies, they have to segment the markets and understand consumers buying behaviour. it is actually under theory of consumer behavior. 

the marketers is always attracting us to buy their product. they are using their experience, intuition and research to know consumer's motivation and behavior. this journal was actually executed in Karachi, Pakistan but then I'm curious want to know more about indonesian consumers. 

suddenly i found interesting article stating that Looking to the future, and assuming moderate economic growth, in Indonesia per capita consumption of temperate fruit, poultry, beef, other meat, baked products and dairy goods will grow most rapidly. Urban indonesians have traditionally eaten out a lot. their spending on convenience food is also rising strongly

Si Nafri yang masih akan terus mengejar mimpinya @PojokUtsmanDuaEmpatKosong 110313

Dua Tujuh

----Dua Tujuh ----

Kawan Tak terasa...
Engkau semakin senja...
Dua tujuh hanyalah angka
Kerangkeng masa kerangka usia