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Assignment of Managerial Finance

FIN 6130
Graduate School of Management (GSM)
Case 1 - Due on July 19, 2011
Cost of Capital and Capital Budgeting

AN ANALYSIS OF RATIO: Profitability and Liquidity Ratios Analysis on Hup Seng Industries Berhad and Hwa Tai Industries Berhad (Based on 2008 – 2010 Annual Reports)

                       AN ANALYSIS OF RATIO:
Profitability and Liquidity Ratios Analysis on
Hup Seng Industries Berhad and Hwa Tai Industries Berhad
(Based on 2008 – 2010 Annual Reports)


By: Irfan Soleh


I was born in a family of traders who loves islamic knowledge. My parents want their children to have extensive knowledge of both sides, religion and social sciences. so my education was directed there. I have to stay at islamic boarding school from the start elementary school until I get a bachelor's degree from State Islamic University  Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. My mother has a store that sells basic necessities. and my father has long been producing  hunkwee flour. The company name is  “AKS GUNUNG WANGI” now my dad has more than 50 employees in this organisation. it helps provide jobs for the community in a small village located in Ciamis district West Java, Indonesia.

Si Nafri dan Laskar Amtsilati

            Malam itu si nafri menatap kosong buku-buku yang tertata rapih di perpustakaan pribadinya, selang beberapa waktu hatinya tergerak untuk membuka lembaran-lembaran waktu yang memuat patahan-patahan kehidupannya. Ia membuka gulungan kertas kehidupan yang selama ini ternyata terkotori berhala eksistensi. Kertas putih perjalanan kehidupannya tercederai oleh tinta gulita dengan rangkaian kata-kata nista dan laku hina. Ditengah jiwanya bergemuruh dalam keruh tiba-tiba muncul satu kata yang tertancap kuat dalam benaknya yaitu perubahan. “gw harus berubah!”, “Gw harus melakukan sesuatu”, tiba-tiba dengan setengah teriak kata-kata itu keluar dari mulutnya .