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Monsanto, Tawhidic Paradigm and Maslahah

Monsanto Company is the world’s largest seed company which it is specializes in biotechnology or the genetic manipulation of organism. They are trying to modify crops i.e. by inserting new genes etc. in order to meet certain aims such as higher yield, surviving during drought, ward of weeds etc.  Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) seeds have increased the quantity and availability of crops which helps farmer worldwide increase food production and revenues

Mosanto, despite being very successful in its field have had some serious issues with different stakeholders. The problems encountered could be broadly summarized into few categories: Environmental /health problems with Mosanto’s  products , bribery issues and legal issues. To know further about Mosanto’s case study, you can refer to this site and also this one What I’m trying to write here is about how Islam, based on my understanding, solves Mosanto’s problems. We want to try to apply Tawhidic Paradigm and Maqasid syari’ah into this case.