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By: Irfan Soleh


I was born in a family of traders who loves islamic knowledge. My parents want their children to have extensive knowledge of both sides, religion and social sciences. so my education was directed there. I have to stay at islamic boarding school from the start elementary school until I get a bachelor's degree from State Islamic University  Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. My mother has a store that sells basic necessities. and my father has long been producing  hunkwee flour. The company name is  “AKS GUNUNG WANGI” now my dad has more than 50 employees in this organisation. it helps provide jobs for the community in a small village located in Ciamis district West Java, Indonesia.

 Why IIUM Management Center?

Then I look for a campus that integrates the science of religion and economics, I found IIUM management center which is the malaysian leading management school. My choice is IIUM Management Centre, which is part of Kulliyah of economics and management sciences. I’m inspired with the  explanation of the management centre, “ the centre, through its programmes, aims to focus on the need for a well-balanced and holistic approach to management. Recognising the importance of networking in a global environment, the centre is initiating smart partnerships and strategic alliances globally that will complement our role and generate mutually beneficial activities with centres of exellence within and beyond ASEAN. The centre believes such an effort will contribute to the development of new generation of business leaders who are tehnically and morally competent to take up the challanges of the information age”. The statement of management centre aggrees with my ideals. I want to be a business leader imbued with islamic ethical values.

Why Master of Business Administration?

MBA at IIUM  is likely to give me a range of 'softer' skills and understanding. MBA is likely to develop the team working skills, to gain an understanding of why people in organisations behave as they do, and to become more aware of the problems stress can cause. I will be far better able to understand and respond effectively to the uncertainty and complexity that is a feature of organisational life in times of rapid change. I may well have developed my own creativity. Above all, I will be able to stand back from situations and 'make sense of them' in a range of different ways, reflecting different perspectives. What is more, I will learn from these 'conceptual experiments' reflecting my capacity to respond to future situations.

what I should do is to become fully prepared to embark on my journey of life, to venture into deep waters. As a matter of fact, I have already been making some of the most important preparations for my ambitious undertaking in the future. And now, To be engaged in high-level business management has always been my professional objective. As far as I am concerned, this challenging profession is what I am most interested in, one which can allow me to apply my knowledge and expertise to face challenges.

The another reason why I choose Master of Business Administration is because of two reasons. Firstly, I really want to be an islamic enterepreneur. To be an islamic entrepreneur, I must have managerial skill to develop my own company. So I need the extensive knowledge from Master of Business Administration. And the second one, Master of Business Administration is very widely major course. Every company needs people from management and economic side

The Master of Business Administration program fit above objectives because it provides career profesionals opportunity for both career advancement and corporate networking and I believe that management education can help me to develop other vital skill essential to my standing as a profesional. In addition, it provides executives and managers with a strong foundation in the concepts, principles, and techniques of management

The purpose in Master of Business Administration program is one of my effort to be the best in my field study, because I want to give more related to the economic problems in Indonesia. From the information that I got, Malaysia is a country wih a dynamic financial activity, especially in islamic financial. So it really makes me more interest to study here. Because, I can take it more, not only about the concept, but I’ll be faced the reality in Malaysia

After my graduation in Master of Business Administration program, I have a big spirit to continue my fight in Indonesia by sharing everything that I’ve got from Malaysia. And I really hope that everything will give usefullness for me, my society and my country at all

Goals and Targets

As my dad loves me alot, so I was given the mandate to develop the company became more advanced. this is in accordance with my ideals and my desire. My goal is to be a successful entrepreneur who has a high management skills and enough religious knowledge. to achieve my dreams and my father goals so that is the reason I have to study islamic economics, business and management.

By having MBA, I can take some responsiblities in my fathers firm more effectively and efficiently, which will make him less stress and proud on me. In this company there are many lacks, most  importantly financial management and human recourse management lacks. I want to first make my father organisation on ISO starndards and then I want to expand the chain to the national level then hopefully on multi national level too (Insya Allah!).

as well as business practitioners, I want to develop Islamic economics in the district of Ciamis. to promote Islamic economics, I will cooperate with the Islamic boarding school that dominant with Fiqh and I will try to invite my father's business associates to use Islamic banking services. I want to become a fighter of islamic economics in Indonesia.
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6 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

abang boleh tanya2 tentang kuliah MBA disana gak? kebetulan intake tahun ini, hehehe. thanks in advance :)

Unknown mengatakan...

wa'alaikum salam, boleh...maaf baru di bales ya, hehe...

zarura mengatakan...

I'm sorry for read this without ur permission. You have such a great plans and aim. May Allah help u through it.

Unknown mengatakan...

This essay really helped a lot. Juzitta kheiran brother and good luck on your future endeavours. May your ajr continues as millions of people read this essay

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Anonim mengatakan...

abang boleh tanya2 tentang kuliah MBA disana gak? kebetulan intake tahun ini, hehehe. thanks in advance :)

Unknown mengatakan...

wa'alaikum salam, boleh...maaf baru di bales ya, hehe...

zarura mengatakan...

I'm sorry for read this without ur permission. You have such a great plans and aim. May Allah help u through it.

Unknown mengatakan...

This essay really helped a lot. Juzitta kheiran brother and good luck on your future endeavours. May your ajr continues as millions of people read this essay

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