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Economic Management During Political Transition; The Sutuynomic's Note

Morning to all The Sutuynomics (er)

yesterday, we went to seminar entitled Economic Management During Political Transition. firstly, we are not in the position to choose or support any political party here, we are just students who want to know what will happens after the General Election 13 in Malaysia economically and politically.

is malaysia economy sick? one of the speaker said that the answer is YES but then what R the root cause of 'so called' the sickness or economic stagnation? Prof Woo Wing Thye answered by mentioning and explaining one by one the following items; abuse of socio economic policy, tax on growth firm, over centralization, and lack of transparency.

I just want to comment to the third point since they wanna learn from the experience of Indonesia about decentralization. what we feel as Indonesian actually is that the decentralization isn't as good as the the objective of that 'theory' in fact that concept is just transferring the power to the regional leaders. it's like creating so many "Kings" in my country and sometimes makes the policy from the central leader doesn't work efficiently, the corruptions also become everywhere. in this case, I do agree with Prof Anwar Nasution who said that there is a good things and bad things from this concept but unfortunately he didn't mentioned that the bad thing is more than the good things

Should Malaysian Reform the policy or introduce new policy to set off "the current sickness"? Prof Woo gave us 3 general principles for Malaysian 'Reformation'. the third principle is Malaysian have to adopt the best international practices has to be tempered by adaptation of this international procedures to local circumstance. Prof Woo said that adopt and adapt is the key in this point. that's why they invited the speaker from other countries such as indonesia to learn more about what was happening and avoiding the bad effect of political transition. The fall of authoritarian regimes in Indonesia and the Philippines in recent history shows that there may be a wealth of lessons Malaysia can learn from its neighbors.

R Malaysian ready for that? I don't know we will see later on. that's all the Sutuynomics' Note, Si Nafri yang masih akan terus mengejar mimpinya @pojokDuaEmpatKosong 130313

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