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The Sutuynomics: Curhat edisi 110213

Dear The Sutuynomicer...

Being ethical person is very critical. is it ONLY about Tawhidic paradigm and Maqasid?? is it only to be a servand and vicegerent of Allah? theoretically maybe yes...but yeahh in fact it's still difficult to implement all those things...yap we know what should we do is creating awareness, education, reinforcement, and law enforcement...but again... it's too "text book" to solve a huge ethical problem....coz being ethical is 'always or sometimes' cyclical... life is never flat... we R human with all the complexity we face... what we can do is always trying and trying to be, so called, ethical...

Si Nafri who always struggling to achieve his dreams @pojok cinta Quite Room GSM IIUM 110213

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