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Urgensi Shalat dalam pembentukan karakter unggul

Berbicara urgensi semua dari kita pasti sudah mengerti apalagi ini tentang shalat jangan sampai telat apalagi terlewat namun ketika dikaitkan dengan karakter jujur aja saya jadi minder karna sangat jauh dari unggul dengan sebaliknya seringnya kita bergumul.

Di ruang satu point dua tasqif dihela, ustadz mudzakkir pun terus mengajak kita berdzikir, mengingatkan bahwa shalat itu sehat dan menyehatkan. Maka teruslah lakukan karna ada makna dan rahasia dari setiap gerakan.

Relokasi atau Naikin Gaji ?; The Sutuynomic's persfective

Dear all the Sutuynomics (er)

setelah baca berita berita di tentang 90 perusahaan yang akan relokasi (ini linknya
) tiba2 aja ngebayangin decision apa yg akan kita buat klo kita ada di posisi sebagai pengusaha. apakah keputusan relokasi ini sudah benar? bisakah itu dikatakan adil atau tdk adil? jawabannya nggak mudah kawan karna disini ada semacam moral problems dan tampak seperti dilema.

kenapa disebut moral problem? karna it is concerned with harms caused or brought about by others meskipun kadang2 in ways that are outside their own control. klo mengacu ke pendapat Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill (1957) bilang bahwa right actions were whichever ones would bring about the most good in a given situation. simple-nya mungkin klo meminjam istilah Maqasid Syaria'h, keputusan itu menjadi benar ketika memilih posisi yg dominan sisi Maslahah-nya.

Bingkisan Coretan Mukhoyyam al-Qur'an

"Hafalan dari al-lail sampai an-Naba hanya awal mula, karna kita tak pantas dan belum berkelas kalau belum hafal dari alfatihah sampai an-Nas" (Pujangga dadakan, 2013)

Apa? kita harus 'melahap' sampai satu mushaf? gimana caranya? Ustadz Yusuf di taujih kedua memberikan kiat-kiat agar kita kuat dan rerupa persiapan agar menghapal jadi menyenangkan.

Persiapan pertama diawali dengan ruhiah memantapkan hati dan jiwa lillah, lillah dan lillah. ikhlas tanpa ada riya yang membekas, bersih murni hanya untuk Allah Rabbul izzati. dilanjut dengan meyakini keagungan Kalamullah karna yang kita baca adalah Firman Sang Pencipta sehingga tidak hanya cinta tapi lahir perasaan mulia dan bangga ketika membacanya.

Firestone’s Tire Recall; The Sutuynomic's Note

as usual, I just wanna share something before taking a rest. every Thursday, I always have to derive an Islamic perspective for every case study that we want to discuss in class. today.. the case is about Firestone's Recall
In May 2000, the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) contacted Ford and Firestone about the high incidence of tire failure on Ford Explorers, Mercury Mountaineers, and Mazda Navajos fitted with Firestone tires. Ford investigated and found that several models of 15-inch Firestone tires (ATX, ATX II, and Wilderness AT) had very high failure rates, especially those made at Firestone's Decatur, Illinois plant. This was one of the leading factors to the closing of the Decatur plant

A Dilemma of SANPark; Selling or Poaching?

Dear All The Sutuynomics (er)

Before taking a rest, i just wanna share about the dilemma faced by Kruger National Park/ SANPark (South Africa National Park) . they usually got the funding from government but then due to the budget shortfall, The South Africa's government should remove that budget and shift it to other beneficial program such as education, health care, and also infrastructure to create more job opportunity.

How to continue to supplement the funding for SANParks’ Park development Fund? one of the ways is by selling the rhino. that is allowed by regulation based on South Africa’s National Environmental Management Act (2004). they argue that they are doing screening and selling rhino to a good buyer but in fact it is very difficult to do that. another reason is for funding conservation effort.

Economic Management During Political Transition; The Sutuynomic's Note

Morning to all The Sutuynomics (er)

yesterday, we went to seminar entitled Economic Management During Political Transition. firstly, we are not in the position to choose or support any political party here, we are just students who want to know what will happens after the General Election 13 in Malaysia economically and politically.

is malaysia economy sick? one of the speaker said that the answer is YES but then what R the root cause of 'so called' the sickness or economic stagnation? Prof Woo Wing Thye answered by mentioning and explaining one by one the following items; abuse of socio economic policy, tax on growth firm, over centralization, and lack of transparency.

Consumer Bahavior; The Sutuynomic's Note

Dear all The Sutuynomics (er)

even tough the lazy song becomes the main rhythm since morning but alhamdulillah I can force myself to read " the consumption style among adults toward their shopping behavior" is it important to know the consumption style? of course for marketers and agencies, they have to segment the markets and understand consumers buying behaviour. it is actually under theory of consumer behavior. 

the marketers is always attracting us to buy their product. they are using their experience, intuition and research to know consumer's motivation and behavior. this journal was actually executed in Karachi, Pakistan but then I'm curious want to know more about indonesian consumers. 

suddenly i found interesting article stating that Looking to the future, and assuming moderate economic growth, in Indonesia per capita consumption of temperate fruit, poultry, beef, other meat, baked products and dairy goods will grow most rapidly. Urban indonesians have traditionally eaten out a lot. their spending on convenience food is also rising strongly

Si Nafri yang masih akan terus mengejar mimpinya @PojokUtsmanDuaEmpatKosong 110313

Dua Tujuh

----Dua Tujuh ----

Kawan Tak terasa...
Engkau semakin senja...
Dua tujuh hanyalah angka
Kerangkeng masa kerangka usia

Tentang Kita: Sebuah Cerita Kisah Ceria

Gathering ketiga pun mengudara, personil boleh sedikit berbeda (meski masih di dominasi kaum tua) namun feeling tetap sama bahkan semakin terasa bahwa kita lebih dari sekedar keluarga. tak hanya tenaga yang di peras namun daya fikir pun serasa dianiyaya dipaksa mencari cari strategi demi satu kata, kompetisi!

Ada kelompok dengan segudang ambisinya ingin menjadi juara, ada yang mementingkan substansi, ceria dan tawa ria, bersama!. setiap kita mungkin punya kesan yang berbeda, tapi tetap semua dalam bingkai yang sama, 

lagi-lagi ini semua tentang aku kamu kita dan kalian yang akan terus menyusur jalan hidup dan penghidupan menapaki koma demi koma sampai pada titik yang kita sangka sebagai akhir, semuanya menyejarah membingkai kita dalam persahabatan yang indah.

Si Nafri @pojok utsman bersama istri tercinta Den Mas Grandees sambil menunggu isya 091313

MABIT's Note edisi 08090313

Setelah melaksanakan nikmatnya Qiyamullail, ikhwah langsung menggaungkan tilawah tanpa lelah, namun tetiba panitia mengumumkan acara tausiah didahulukan. posisi duduk pun seketika melingkar tanpa banyak komentar. Sang Ustadz pun mulai memaparkah mau'idoh hasanahnya dengan membahas Hadits arba'in yang ke 38. 

Bagaimana caranya agar kita menjadi wali Allah? dimana ketika pd posisi itu, Allah mengumumkan perang pada yang memusihinya? caranya begitu sederhana di lidah namun pengejawantahannya yang kadang/seringnya terpatah-patah. caranya dengan terus mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dengan melaksanakan yang fardhu sama yang sunnah secara kontinyu Hatta Uhibbahu, sampai Allah mencintai kita. 

Countrywide financial; The Subprime Meltdown

Currently, we are discussing study case entitled ‘Countrywide financial; The Subprime Meltdown’. Let’s take a look a little bit to the fact of that case. Countrywide has become the largest provider of home loans in the United States during the year 2000s. it was the primary provider of home loans to minorities in the United States and had lowered the barriers of homeownership for lower-income individuals. Countrywide also offered loan closing, capital market, insurance, and banking service to its clients. In 1970s countrywide had diversified into the securities market as well.

Then, let’s Identify what are the ethical issues involved in this case. The main and underlying problem with Countrywide is usage of subprime loans. Subprime lending means lending to borrowers, generally people who would not qualify for traditional loan, at a rate higher than the prime rate (market rate). The lending job has made easier with exotic mortgages such as so called no doc loan or liar loans, which enable borrowers to borrow without having to supply evidence of income or assets.

Banking Industry Meltdown; A 'Moral Imagination' perspective

Banks and other financial institutions presented these derivatives as attractive financial instruments to invest in, whereas they were not. Derivatives were used to save financial situation in many banks in a very unethical way. And main reason of failure was that the banks were over dependant on these financial instruments. And as it happens they tried to save their situation by using unethical ways.

The key problem and underlying issue with all examples given in the case is mishandling derivatives, and over dependence on them. Another main issue is that credit default swaps were repackaged and sold as mortgage debt. Apart from that each particular example has its own unethical behaviour exposure. They conduct a manipulation to deceive stakeholders. They are hiding debt and losess by creating off balance sheet and also by creating error accout in case of Barings Bank.

What are the available alternatives – also called “moral imagination” that we can learned from this case? According to Tawhidic Paradigm, everything in the universe is created by God. We are God’s vicegerents on the earth; it has been given us in trust. In this case, Banks are given trust by their customers to protect their saving or investment. 

Monsanto, Tawhidic Paradigm and Maslahah

Monsanto Company is the world’s largest seed company which it is specializes in biotechnology or the genetic manipulation of organism. They are trying to modify crops i.e. by inserting new genes etc. in order to meet certain aims such as higher yield, surviving during drought, ward of weeds etc.  Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) seeds have increased the quantity and availability of crops which helps farmer worldwide increase food production and revenues

Mosanto, despite being very successful in its field have had some serious issues with different stakeholders. The problems encountered could be broadly summarized into few categories: Environmental /health problems with Mosanto’s  products , bribery issues and legal issues. To know further about Mosanto’s case study, you can refer to this site and also this one What I’m trying to write here is about how Islam, based on my understanding, solves Mosanto’s problems. We want to try to apply Tawhidic Paradigm and Maqasid syari’ah into this case.

The Sutuynomics: Curhat edisi 190213

Dear all the Sutuynomics (er)

what caused a long-standing institution like Bear Stearns and many others to fall? its investment in subprime loans was a significant factors, but derivatives could also be a major factors. So...Do we need islamic derivatives????

Si Nafri yang masih akan terus mengejar mimpinya 190213 @Resource room GSM IIUM

Dear all The Sutuynomics (er)

setelah panjang lebar berbincang dengan Robert S Kaplan, diakhir acara Desi Anwar menanyakan karya apa lg yg akan Robert lakukan kedepan? jawabannya, ia akan meneliti hubungan Bisnis dan Sosial. ia akan berkerja sama dgn Porter dimana mereka akan menerapkan balance score card pada perusahaan yg tidak hanya mengukur kinerjanya dgn laba tapi juga dgn sejauh mana ia bisa bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, so...kayaknya pola cara mengukur kinerja perusahaan skrg sedikit bergeser, profit itu penting tapi sejauh mana perusahaan kita bermanfaat bagi society itu jauh lebih penting

Si Nafri yang masih akan terus mengejar mimpinya @ quiet study room GSM IIUM

The Sutuynomics: Curhat edisi 170213

Assalamu'alaikum to all The Sutuynomics (er)

mentadabburi surat al-insyiqaq ayat 6 yg berbunyi "Ya ayyuhal insanu innaka kaadihun ila Rabbika kadhan famulaqiihi" "wahai manusia sesungguhnya kamu telah bekerja keras menuju Tuhanmu, maka kamu akan menemuiNya. yang harus kita ketahui adalah Kadihun yaitu bekerja keras atau upaya yg sungguh2, sudah sejauh manakah usaha dan kerja keras kita? dalam konteks The Sutuynomics, kita berusaha memahami what is and what should be dalam ekonomi baik yg konvensional maupun syari'ah. knp ekonomi islam? kehidupan kita tidak terlepas dari aktivitas ekonomi, sehingga upaya memahami ekonomi islam pun masih dalam koridor gerak menaik (Shu'udi) menuju Allah SWT. The Sutuynomics bisa dibaca sebagai Suluk spiritual seorang hamba menuju Tuhannya lewat memahami dan mengamalkan aktivitas ekonomi yang sesuai dengan ketentuan-Nya.

Si Nafri yg masih akan terus mengejar mimpinya @saung tercinta PG utsman bin affan 170213

The Sutuynomics; Curhat edisi 150213

Assalamu'alaikum to all The Sutuynomics(er)

curhat kali ini hanya ingin mengomentari kutipan dari jakarta post. saya setuju kita harus menggenjot supply-side economy tapi bukan berarti kebijakan trade barriers yg di lakukan pemerintah itu salah. proteksi itu sangat perlu dan ia merupakan tahap pertama, ini pun hanya beberapa komoditas saja, tapi jangan berhenti hanya pada proteksi karna mau bagaimanapun kita berinteraksi dgn dunia global, kita harus terus meningkatkan comparative advantage kita, so...proteksi dulu baru nanti buka kerannnya ketika kita siap bertanding, negara2 lainpun melakukan itu

Sinafri yg masih dan akan terus mengejar mimpinya 150213@pojok cinta quiet room GSM IIUM